
I do not provide support for running your own instance of this bot other than these docs, and I would prefer if you invite the official instance instead. However you can run it if you want to, and you can reach out if you think you have found a bug.


  1. Clone the repo

  2. Make sure you have python3.8 and postgresql

  3. Setting up the database and roles

  4. Creating a discord application and a bot user at the discord dev website, setup guide here

  5. You MUST enable member intents on the bot page for the bot to load.

  6. Running

  7. Inviting the bot to your server, there will be an invite link in the python shell after you run it.

Setup Example (linux)

~$ python3.8 #check if python is installed.
~$ git clone # Clone this github repo
~$ cd message-bot # Navigate to the main directory for the project.
~/message-bot$ pipenv install # Install the required python packages with pipenv
# Now you need to setup the config variables, see Config below
(bot-env) ~/message-bot$ pipenv run python3.8 # Run the bot

Note: This assumes that you have the following packages installed:

  • Python 3.8 ( does nto currently support the latest version of python, 3.9)

  • The latest version of git

  • The latest version of postgresql

Some commands may require sudo privileges depending on your system.

For windows do the same, but replace python3 with python


This bot uses a file to store config.

Setting up PostgreSQL

  1. Install PostgreSQL

  2. Create a role for the bot to use

  3. Create the database

$sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE ROLE bot LOGIN PASSWORD 'password' SUPERUSER; # Create the role for the bot to use. You can do it without superuser, look up the docs to see what's needed.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE bot OWNER bot; # Create a database with the same name as the role, so that you can login easier
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE message_bot OWNER bot; # Create the database the bot will use
postgres=# \q

Then enter the values into the postgres_uri config.

Setting up config

  1. Rename to

  2. Set the values as per the table below

Config Values


I really would prefer if you don't run an instance of the website. However as per the open source license terms (that i choose) i am required to provide you with installation instructions.

I use Quart an asyncio version of Flask to power my site. To run it you will need to:

  • Clone AnotherCat/message-manager-site

  • Set a secret_key in

  • Setup a production server, see Quart's docs for more instructions

You are also required to provide the source code to all viewers under the terms of the license, doing this and changing other references such as invite links, support server links, etc is up to you to go into the code and change.


I will be using the standard version naming.

If the first number in the tuple is the same, it will not break if you leave config the same. In this case all you have to do it pull the repo as is the only file that is user specific and there is no file named that in the repo. It is still suggested that you read the update notes and update your config as said, but if you don't nothing will break.

If the first number in the tuple changes, this means that it is no longer backwards compatible. This means that you must update your configuration after pulling the version.

After any update, do pipenv install again

Last updated